Let’s admit that we all have faced a “broke state” at least once in our life. The reason behind this can be anything. But what we need to be concerned about is “No Overspending”. Thus, one can look for various options to save money and stop overspending.

In this blog, we will cover the tips for avoiding overspending.

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5 Tips To Avoid Overspending

  • Optimal distribution of your salary
  • Go For Weekly Plan
  • Plan cash withdrawals
  • Choose the best bank in terms of offers
  • Crosscheck your account from time to time

Save Your money with NIC ASIA Bank

Why choose NIC ASIA Bank to open a savings account?

5 Tips To Avoid Overspending

Optimal distribution of your salary
Nothing matches the glow of getting a salary. But hold on!! You have to divide the salary effectively. Always start dividing the monthly salary amount into paying major expenses and minor expenses. While fully ditching the idea of hanging out with friends is impossible, you can divide some amount for your outings or dinner, but you must limit it. 

Go For Weekly Plan
You must go with a weekly plan and limit spending with available hand cash. To make it work, be systematic and divide the amount as per your necessary shopping and spending. 

Plan cash withdrawals
ATM transactions are the easiest and most reliable. If you are into using ATMs more often, plan your withdrawals. In fact, you can have an ATM withdrawal in a weekly plan.

Choose the best bank in terms of offers
Banks in Nepal are abundant; you must look for a bank that offers the best deals in a savings account, fixed deposits or mutual fund investment. So, research well and choose the one that serves you the best. 

Crosscheck your account from time to time.
It’s important to check your account statements, payment or withdrawal receipts, and charges of bills once in a while to ensure certain random payment calculations or any malfunction caused by any glitches. 

[Read our blog on Digital Banking- A Complete Guideline]

Save your Money with NIC ASIA Bank 

The most effective way to begin your savings is by holding your personal bank account. It can be a normal savings account, recurring saving account, and fixed deposit account. One of the banks that provide savings accounts with an 8.03% of interest rate is NIC ASIA Bank.

Why choose NIC ASIA Bank to open a savings account?

If you are thinking of online account opening in Nepal then NIC ASIA Bank is the ultimate stop. We aspire to provide the best digital banking services in Nepal. Likewise, we are heading towards the path where the end goal is to become the “best bank in Nepal”. Offering the best savings accounts in Nepal, we have Sarbashrestha Range of  Savings- The best savings accounts in Nepal. It includes:

 and many more. 
We offer digital banking services via various channels to provide customers with the best face-to-face and online banking services.There are Myths about Digital Banking; hence we also work to overcome the myths as well as challenges by educating customers and offering Building Personalized Banking Experience Strategies. We take care of Digital Banking Trends too and provide our customers with the best banking service in Nepal.

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